Phrase Origination...
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TIPS.. To insure proper (or prompt) service. They used to put the money on the table before they were served, then if they were dissatisfied, the amount of tip money would decrease.
Grounded .. When a pilot was prohibited from flying.
Mind your P's and Q's.. Waitresses in a tavern would know if the customer needed a drink by looking at his empty glass. The servings were P Pints and Q quarts. She was minding his pints and quarts.
86'd.. When someone was to be executed..they had to go 80 miles from civilization and dig their own grave 6 feet down. Then they were shot execution style.
Dead Ringer
Saved by the bell
Graveyard shift... When someone was buried in a coffin, there was a possibility they weren't totally dead, so they would tie a string around their finger.. if they were clawing to get out, the bell would ring and they would be saved.
Busy as a bee.. Bees are notorious for their workloads, they need to visit over a million flowers to make 1 lb of honey. You're busy as a bee if you have a heavy workload.
Built like a brick shit house. Built like a brick outhouse.. Project was overdone or a quality better then necessary.
Rebel Yell.. A long high pitched yell from the confederate soldiers in the civil war, to terrify the enemy.
Cold hard cash.. Coin merchants handled coins made of silver and gold. When more durable metals were used, they would say the coins were colder and harder.